Horror - 2 April 2013 (USA)
Six ambitious forensic undergrads are pitted against one another on a scientific expedition to a remote island, vying to win an esteemed trainee position with the FBI. Unbeknownst to everyone, the site was formally used as an illegal biological testing grounds for life-term criminals who were left for dead. Behind the mission is Professor Tomkins, who together with FBI agent Veneziano have devised a series of experiments to test the would-be agents to their limits . Three mutilated cadavers taken from the medical labs have been planted around the island in a reconstructive test which the undergrads will be assigned tasks in order to discover what may have caused the fatal injuries.
Even before the undergrads have started their experiments, the zombie criminal convicts are systematicallyhunting them down and what started as a fight for an esteemed career in the FBI is now a fight for their very lives.
Director: Lowell Dean
Writer: Christian Piers Betley
Stars: Katharine Isabelle, Brendan Fehr, Brendan Fletcher | See full cast and crew
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